Season 83 is tentatively set to start in February (exact date TBA) and end on May 4, 2025. There will be no practices/games on Sunday, April 20 for the Easter holiday. Schedules for practices and games are subject to change due to gym availability and holidays. Please check the corresponding page of your and/or your child's group for schedules every Saturday. If there are any questions, please email us at bdleague.sj@gmail.com, fill out the contact form, or come chat with a coach!
Registration for Season 83 is now open! Please find the corresponding registration forms below.
For Adults signing up: If you are a new player and do not have a team, please fill out the "New Players" form, and under the question asking for your team name, please put "Free Agent". You will be placed on a list team captains may choose from if they need players.
For Future Stars and Rookies signing up: There are limited spots available for Future Stars. Please register and make payments as soon as possible to ensure enrollment.
Registration Fees
All registration fees MUST be paid in full via Cash or Check on the first day of the new season. For checks, please make them payable to Basketball Development League.
Future Stars / Rookies / Juniors & Seniors
New Players with Jersey Set — $130
Returning Players — $100
Adult Silver/Gold/Diamond
New Players with Jersey Set — $130
Returning Players — $100
Jersey Set — $30
Jersey (Top Only) — $20
Shorts (Bottoms Only) - $10