Coach Bert started coaching at the YMCA but left to start his own league (BDL) to give the kids more practice time. BDL has always stressed the importance of attending practice and learning the fundamentals of basketball. These fundamentals include lay-ups, proper shooting, dribbling, defense, running the floor, and basic offenses. For those in the Junior or Senior Division, there is also the unwritten, unofficial rule that a player will be penalized by less playing time in the game if they do not attend practice.
Practices are designed to give all players within their group the same instruction. Typical practices conducted by other organizations will consist of players practicing among their assigned teams. In BDL, all the players within their division (Rookies, Juniors, and Seniors) are put into one group and practice together. Everyone participates in the same drills. This method provides each player the same opportunity to learn as another player within a group. It is a more efficient way to teach a large group and helps promote better camaraderie among all the players. There is a head coach who leads and directs the practice for a group and several other coaches are available to assist and provide hands-on training as needed. We emphasize the fundamentals as mentioned before. All coaches have prior basketball experience and/or coaching experience as well.